Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter this year was a blast.  We ate at mi esposo's mom's house and we had the pleasure of seeing practically everyone from his side of the family in one day.  We brought over two huge helpings of Macaroni and Cheese and it was devoured within the three hours we were there.  The irony of it all, I am lactose intolerant but yet I can make an awesome batch of Mac & Cheese from scratch.  This time we threw Stewed tomatoes over it and everyone loved it.  Then we headed over to my family's house and ate all we could there, not to mention we took/stole a bunch of dinner rolls that my sister made from scratch that I promptly stored in our freezer for future consumption.  You could say that this year's theme was eating it all up.  

Oh and we even found a bunny on our lawn.....

Please take special note the lack of interest on the bunny to have his picture taken. 

Hope you had a lovely holiday!


Jenny C said...

You most certainly do make a mean mac & cheese from scratch! I lubs it and I lubs dat bunny on yo lawn :)

Sara said...

Thank you sweetie. I was going to take a picture of the scrumptious bread you made but I ate it all.
Lub you too!